
Field Theory™ Hempseed Oil (8 oz)
Hempseed Oil is cold-pressed and unrefined. Just like our Field Theory™ Hemp Hearts, our Hempseed Oil contains the ideal 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Hemp has valuable Super Omega-3 (SDA) and Super Omega-6 (GLA), which can help the body metabolize fat.
You can add hemp seed oil to:
- Salad dressings
- Smoothies
- Hummus
- Protein shakes
- Dips
- Sandwich spreads
- Sauces
- Cold soups
- Pesto
- …and more! Be creative!!
Hempseed Oil in smoothies, salads, vegetables and pasta dishes. To conserve the essential fatty acids, we suggest you use it raw or gently heated. It’s not suitable for frying. Hemp is loaded with all 20 amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids that are not manufactured in the body, and must come from food. Amino acids are essential for many metabolic processes, including building muscle tissue. ***THIS IS NOT “Hemp Extract Oil” or “CBD Oil”. ***THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN TESTED AND CONTAINS < .3% THC
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